
Know Your Skin: Signs of healthy skin that you should look for

Who doesn’t love soft, supple, glowing skin? But, our lifestyle choices, habits, and health issues can impact the way skin looks or feels. That ‘lit from within’ radiance depends on how you treat your skin. It is a combination of right diet, right skin care and right lifestyle choices that ensure your skin is healthy and youthful.

Know your skin structure

Our skin is the biggest defence system of our body, it is also the largest organ. So, it is important for us to take extra special care. But before you do that you need to understand the structure of the skin and how it works. Giving an insight into the skin structure, Dr Rashmi Shetty says that skin by and large has six layers but what is important for us to know about are the three major layers namely the epidermis, dermis and fatty tissue layer.

Let’s look at the three layers that we have to be concerned about.

Epidermis – It is the top layer that consists of dead cells, our skin pigment melanin and a renewing layer of skin cells at the base. 

Dermis – Below the epidermis is the central layer of skin called dermis. It is, technically, the main layer which has the mesh of collagen and elastin, the hair roots, oil glands, sweat glands and nerve endings. It is also the layer that has the capillaries that supply blood to the skin and help to drain away the toxins. 

Fatty Tissue Layer – Underneath the dermis is the subcutaneous fatty tissue layer also called hypodermis. It is the layer that holds the skin together. As the name suggests it has blood vessels and a lot of fat that support the top two layers. This layer acts as cushion to your skin and gives it suppleness and bounce.

Our skin is a protective organ that acts as a barrier, defending our body from environmental impact, micro-organisms and other damages. Skin is also our biggest immune guard that keeps it safe from infections, so you have to be extra careful when taking care of it, Dr Shetty adds. It is the organ that maintains our body temperature through sweat and hair, stores vitamin D one of the essential vitamins needed for a healthy body. It is also the organ that regulates the sensations we feel since our skin houses the network of nerves that help us feel pain, heat and cold. That is why it is so important to maintain your skin health.

5 Signs of healthy skin

When you look into the mirror, you want to see radiant face smiling back at you. You want to see supple, healthy skin. Dr Shetty in her book Age Erase shares a checklist of healthy skin signs that you must look for. Here it is:

#1: Even skin tone

Your skin should have consistent colour no matter what tone your complexion is. The evenness of skin is what makes you look attractive, whether you are fair, dusky or dark. Little shadows are natural to Indian skin tone because of our warm yellow or red undertone. But for it to look beautiful the colour graduation has to be seamless, blending with the rest of your skin colour.

#2: Well hydrated

High levels of moisture in your skin is important for skin to be healthy. You know skin has enough moisture, when it feels supple to the touch. Test the levels of moisture by pressing the skin, if it bounces back as you release, you know your skin is well hydrated.

#3: Smooth texture

Healthy skin looks smooth and feels smooth. So if you look close up into the mirror you should notice a uniform layout of your pores, which should be small, and tight, and feel even to the touch. Closed pores also mean that your skin is safe from comedones and acne etc. It is natural for the skin cells slough off. Normally this should not be very visible. In a healthy skin, this natural exfoliation happens without being too noticeable, or apparent.

#4: Normal sensations

When your skin is healthy, you should not feel any irregular sensations like pulling, burning or itching. Healthy skin always feels comfortable and smooth without any greasiness or dryness.

# 5: Reflects light

Healthy skin is neither too dry nor too oily. The pores are neither too big nor too tightly closed. Healthy pores secrete enough skin oils that help to keep skin soft and reflect light that gives you a healthy glow.

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